Friday, August 17, 2012

Aansoo Jheel - An Adventurous Expedition at Northern Areas of Pakistan

Have you viewed such a landscape in which you can see a whole lake shaped like a big tear. Yes, that is mysterious Aansoo Jheel situated near Naran valley in Kachh Mountain. When you ever plan a trip to Naran, it is very exotic point that you should consider besides Saif ul Malook Lake, Lalazar, Gaiti Daas, Jalkhad and Babu Sar Top.

Aansoo Jheel is situated at an altitude of 13,500 Feet from the surface opposite to Malka Parbat Mountain. Not many but some people know about and still very few guys undertake to touch that point. One of its reason is its reason is that the way towards the lake is very unsmooth and clumsy.

aansoo jheel
Aansoo Jheel Clear View

 Undertaking journey to Aansoo Lake is not recommended if you are on Pakistan Tour with your family but if you are a group of friends and planned to visit Naran then it is somehow considerable.

We a groups of some friends have always had heard about a beautiful landscape in surroundings of Naran Valley. We reached Naran and inquired about it and got to know that we would have to get there passing through Saif ul Malook Lake traveling on hinnies to be rented for the day.

Starting the next day with fully excited and motivated thinking of the upcoming adventurous journey, we called the jeep drivers whom we booked already. Journey started in early morning as it had to take 3 plus hours from Saif ul Malook. The way to Saif ul Malook itself is very beautiful but if you experience traveling on jeep for the first time, it would sound you some fearful. All the paths in such valleys are filled with bumps and turnings round and round upwards and then downwards. Reached Saif ul Malook after an hour and taken breakfast from stalls at the spot.

pakistan travel
Mountains Around Aansso Lake
malka parbat pictures
Malka Parbat Near Aansoo Lake

 Now we had to move towards the point we had been thinking of – our utopia –Aansoo Lake. Local men arranged hinnies for we guys and we boarded on them to start the adventurous journey. Muleteers were walking with us throughout the way; those strong men are habitual of hiking and walking of these clumsy and uneven terrains. Something interesting we observed was that mules were not needed to be driven by muleteers but they were moving themselves on the way towards lake. The reason for that was that the cattle were always used to take tourists on the same way therefore they were used to of it and knew where they had to go and to take us.

It was really adventuresome and thrilling experience first time in our life to travel on mules passing through valleys, streams and mountains. Fear was doubled when we reached on the mountains and hinnies sauntering on a very thin track. One side there was mountain and on the other side deep ditch. After riding of around 3.5 hours somehow we got at the place from where cattle were unable to move ahead and we have to climb for rest of the way. At that point, a couple of guys lost courage and energy deciding to rest there and wait for us unless we come back. It may be recalled that at that point there is very low oxygen which causes visitors feel uncomfortable and therefore discourages to go ahead.

Mule Ride for Reaching Aansoo Jheel

However, we had to move ahead to see Aansoo Jheel Landscape, so we did. After a little more climbing we reached at the point and it was before us. Among the clouds it was pretty joyous view to see such a beautiful and mysterious lake to see which we had been dreaming of. When we reached there the sky was clear so we started taking snaps and luckily we got some beautiful pictures. After a couple of minutes the weather became cloudy and likely to rain therefore we packed up and started the journey back.

During the way back, a fast snowfall was started which not only made us enjoying it but also stepping fast to reach the town asap. We didn’t dare to sit on mules again as the terrain became slippery and looked terrible to rely on cattle therefore we moved on and on downwards walking and scrambling.

After the end of mountain rest of the way was smooth and through grass and water streams we boarded again on hinnies and moved on heading towards the Saif ul Malook where jeeps were waiting for us to take us back to Naran.

At the end of journey from Aanso Jheel, it was almost the end of day too. With aching bodies and tired souls, our adventurous tour to Aansoo Jheel was finished but memories of the trip will be recalled whenever to plan any tour to northern areas of Pakistan. I feel lucky to have it visited but I wish in my life, I may get another chance to see my old Aansoo Lake again.

If you want to share your thoughts or any comments, leave it in comments box.

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